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NDEO administers two publications: and , and is a managing partner on the .
The need for two NDEO journals is readily apparent when considering the breadth and diverse needs of the field of dance education and NDEO’s expanding membership. The journals are intended to complement one another to best illuminate contemporary issues in dance education, teaching, and learning. However each journal is uniquely distinct. The following responses to two often-asked questions can guide readers in their scholarly and pedagogical usage of the journals while also assisting those interested in publishing.
DEiP highlights practical approaches to dance teaching and education in respect to numerous and diverse teaching settings. Each issue includes articles (1,000-3,000 words) by educators about what they do in the studio and classroom. Columns on resources for dance teaching, current trends in the field, and viewpoints from dance educators and students enhance feature articles.
JoDE emphasizes practical and theoretical aspects of dance education by scholars and practitioners using a wide range of research frameworks and methods. JODE issues include feature research-based articles (5,000-8,000 words), in practice articles (1,500-3,500 words) focusing on applied theory and teaching approaches, and student readings articles (1,000-3,500 words) geared towards specific student populations in order for teachers to share with their students.
Both journals receive manuscripts electronically through ScholarOne. This allows each journal’s editorial board to facilitate a meaningful review process. Substantive comments, regardless of publication decision, are provided to all authors. DEiP's process begins with a blind screening by DEiP editorial board members. Authors whose work is chosen to move forward receive one-on-one mentoring with an editorial board member, working collaboratively to bring the article to publication readiness.
JoDE engages in a rigorous blind peer review process, in which the editor sends articles to be double-blind reviewed by a panel of three national and international scholar-practitioners in the content area of the article. Feedback given during the review process supports authors in their revision writing.
Note: As of June 2020 The Journal of Dance Education and Dance Education in Practice are now fully online. We look forward to providing you with the same great content in a convenient online format, while reducing our environmental impact and ensuring the financial health of the organization. NDEO will no longer mail print copies of its two journals.
Welcome to the Journal of Dance Education, also known as JoDE. Our anonymously-reviewed publication presents the latest developments in dance education research and practice with the intent of assisting educators in their quest to remain current in the classroom. We present both scholarly and practical articles relevant to various populations within the dance community, including public schools K-12, private schools, private studios, higher education, and community education. Topics within the journal include but are not limited to: training of dancers, curriculum, pedagogy, teaching methodology, best practices, standards, assessment, dance administration, collaboration, creativity, dance advocacy, and social justice issues. JoDE has an international reach and has published articles by a variety of international and U.S. authors who have interesting research to share. Reading JoDE is an excellent way to stay abreast of dance education research and practice in the U.S. and abroad.
Thank you for choosing to submit your paper to us. These instructions will ensure we have everything required so your paper can move through peer review, production, and publication smoothly. Please take the time to read and follow them as closely as possible, as doing so will ensure your paper matches the journal’s requirements.
Welcome to Dance Education in Practice (DEiP). This journal provides a rich resource for dance educators. Each issue includes articles from teachers about what they do in the studio and classroom, which we hope will inspire you in your own practice. We cover the vast breadth of the field from private schools of dance, to K-12 classrooms, to colleges and universities, to community centers, to professional companies, and more. Columns on resources for dance teaching, coverage of current trends in the field, and viewpoints from dance educators and students enhance the feature articles. A stimulating read from cover to cover, Dance Education in Practice embodies the voice of the practitioner.