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NDEO Organization Awards

The Executive Director's Award for Service to NDEO and President's Commendation for Excellence for Service in the Field are chosen by the NDEO Executive Director and President respectively to honor deserving members who have shown excellent service to the field of dance education and to NDEO. There is not an open application process for these awards.

Past Award Recipients for the Executive Director's Award for Service to NDEO:

2014 | Marcia McCaffery & Helene Scheff

2016 | Jessy Kronenberg, Kristin Kusanovich, & Karen Bradley

2017 | Nicole Flinn, Rachel Swenson, & Tina Curran

2018 | Abigail Agresta-Stratton, & Jennifer La Curan

2019 | Theresa Purcell Cone, & Mary Gorder

2020 | Dance & Disability Task Force: Sandi Stratton-Gonzalez, Sydney Erlikh, Silva Laukkanen, Magda Kaczmarska.  IDEA Committee: Crystal Davis, Tina Curran, Frederick Curry, Nya McCarthy-Brown, Deborah Damast, Charne Fucron, Daniel Gwirtzman, Julie Kerr-Berry, Nicole Robinson, Cory-Jeanne Houck-Cox. Outgoing JoDE Editor: Wendy Oliver

2021 | Sherrie Barr

2022 | Lynn Monson

2023 | Anne Dunkin

Past Award Recipients for the President's Commendation for Excellence for Service in the Field:

2014 | Kelly Ferris Lester, & Christine Cobb

2015 | Karen Hubbard, & Myron Nadel

2016 | Susan Gingrasso, Marcia McCaffrey, Helene Scheff, Patricia Cohen, Christine Cobb, Karen Bradley

2017 | Jane Bonbright, Rima Faber, Naima Prevots, Susan Kirchner, & Marcia McCaffery

2018 | Susan Gingrasso

2019 | Kelly Lester, Rick Southerland, and the Private Sector Committee (Kathryn Austin, Cory-Jeanne Houck-Cox, & Tori Rogoski)

2020 | All 2019-20 Board Members & All Mentorship Committee Members

2021 | All 90 JDEI Workgroup Participants

2022 | Molly Howel

2023 | Kelly Ferris-Lester & Christopher Rutt